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월드비전의 잊혀진 창시자
한 한국인 목사가 세계에서 가장 큰 자선 단체 중 하나의 출범을 도왔다. 그는 왜 역사에서 사라졌을까?
Вони залишили Україну, а Україна попрямувала за ними
Втікаючи від російських ракет, деякі віруючі, вигнані зі своїх будинків, здобули нову мету в житті – тепер вони допомагають біженцям.
Они покинули Украину, а Украина последовала за ними
Убегая от российских ракет, некоторые верующие, изгнанные из своих домов, обрели новую цель в жизни – помощь беженцам.
They Fled Ukraine, and Ukraine Followed
Escaping Russian missiles, some exiled believers found a new sense of purpose helping refugees.
Our Pulpits Are Full of Empty Preachers
Tens of thousands of pastors want to quit but haven’t. What has that done to them?
Wait, You’re Not Deconstructing?
What’s behind the exvangelical trend isn’t new. But it sheds new light on theology.
Christianity Today’s 2022 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Empty Pews Are an American Public Health Crisis
Americans are rapidly giving up on church. Our minds and bodies will pay the price.
The Riddle of Church Loneliness
Why were evangelicals as lonesome as everyone else before COVID-19, but less so after?
What’s True About Christian Fiction
“This Present Darkness” and other bestsellers show us the history of evangelicalism—and how it could be different.
She Was Captured by the Taliban in 2001. But God Gave Her a Bigger Story.
Q&A with Heather Mercer who went on to work for freedom in Kurdistan and adopt a Kurdish son.
What Christian Aid Workers Want You to Know About Afghanistan
US forces are withdrawing after 20 years, but the story of Christian aid work goes far beyond military conflict.
Why Defining Gossip Matters in the Church’s Response to Abuse
Have we tamed the tongue too much? Christians work to recover a biblical understanding of harmful hearsay vs. healthy criticism.
Christian Singles Aren’t Waiting for Marriage to Become Parents
As more unmarried women and men foster and adopt, how can the church provide what some nontraditional families cannot?
Paul’s Letter to a Prejudiced Church
How the apostle’s instructions on the Lord’s Supper speak to multiethnic congregations today.
The Multiethnic Church Movement Hasn’t Lived up to Its Promise
Multiracial churches have not been good news for everyone. What can we do about it?
Why the Children of Immigrants Are Returning to Their Religious Roots
Many second- and third-generation Americans leave the ethnic congregations of their parents for white-led churches, only to come back.

Top Story May 13, 2024

Why the Pacific Islands Are 90 Percent Christian
Why the Pacific Islands Are 90 Percent Christian
It wasn’t only because of missionaries from the West, says a Tongan Australian theologian.

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